Ultimate Guide To Create High-Converting Pictures – Product Photography For Amazon

amazon photos

Product Photography For Amazon



Introduction to Product Photography For Amazon

In the world of online retail, visuals are key.

Your customers can’t touch or try out your product, so they have to rely on the pictures you provide.

High-quality, engaging, and informative images can be the difference between your product ending up in a customer’s shopping cart or being left untouched on the virtual shelf.

Product photography for Amazon is as important as the product itself, creating such pictures is not only necessary but vital for survival in a highly competitive market.

In this guide, we’ll teach you how to create high-converting pictures that make your product irresistible.

Scoping Out the Competition

First things first: understand your competition.

Find five successful competitors and analyze their listings.

Identify the patterns, the colors, the angles, and the information they’re presenting visually.

Make a note of what works and what doesn’t. This is not about copying them, but about learning from their successes and failures.

Reverse Engineering the Patterns

Once you’ve identified the patterns, create a detailed document outlining your findings.

This document will be your blueprint for creating high-converting images for your Amazon private label brand.

Note down everything – from the way competitors display their product features to how they integrate lifestyle images.

Everything you learn will contribute to your success.

Collaborate with Your Graphic Designer

With your detailed document in hand, communicate your ideas to your graphic designer.

A well-briefed designer will be able to translate your research into compelling images that speak directly to your target audience.

Selecting the Must-Have Pictures

According to Amazon’s guidelines and our research, your listing should include these essential images:

  1. White Background Picture: Your main picture should have a white background. The product should cover 90 percent of the space in this image, making it appear large and eye-catching.

main 1


     2. Us vs Them Infographic:
Illustrate why your product is superior to the              competition. A side-by-side comparison with ticks and crosses will effectively convey this message.

us vs them

wolf in winter best dog training treat bag raspberry


   3. Before and After Infographics:
Show the results of using your product. Side-by-side images provide a stark comparison that is both engaging  and convincing.




     4. Multi Use Case Infographic:
Display your product’s versatility. Pictures showcasing the product in various scenarios, with human faces, create an emotional connection with the potential buyer.

multi use case



     5. Ingredients/Materials Infographic:
Highlight what your product is  made of. This not only educates the consumer but also builds trust in your brand.

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      6. What’s Included in the Package Infographic:
Give customers a clear understanding of what they’re getting. This eliminates any guesswork and reduces the chance of negative reviews due to unmet expectations.

whats in box




      7. Dimensions, Weight, and Sizes:
Accurate and clear information regarding the size, weight, and dimensions of your product helps                          customers make informed buying decisions.

High-Converting Pictures for Amazon Private Label Brands

8. Benefits Infographic:
Highlight the top five benefits of your product with easy-to-understand icons and concise text beneath each one.

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Product Photography For Amazon Guidelines:

  1. Image dimensions:
    Amazon recommends images to be 2000 pixels in width or height for better quality on zoom.

    However, the minimum pixel dimension requirement is 500 pixels on the longest side, and the maximum pixel dimension is 10,000 pixels on the longest side.

  2. Image frame:

    The product must fill 85% or more of the image frame. Certain types of products, such as books, music, and DVDs, are exempt from this rule and are allowed to take up less of the image frame.

  3. Backgrounds:

    The background must be pure white (RGB 255,255,255). This requirement is crucial for the main product image.

  4. File format:

    Images must be in JPEG (.jpg), TIFF (.tif), or GIF (.gif) format, but Amazon recommends using JPEG for the best results.

  5. Color mode:

    Both sRGB and CMYK color modes are accepted. However, sRGB is the recommended choice to ensure that your image accurately represents the color of your product.

  6. Image quality:

    Images must not be blurry, pixelated, have jagged edges, or be cropped by a frame edge.

  7. Text and other markers:

    The main image should not contain any text, logos, watermarks, or inset images. However, for additional images, some exceptions may apply.

  8. Other specifications:

    The image must be a professional photograph or cover art of the product being sold. Drawings or illustrations are not allowed.

    The product must not be on a mannequin (for clothing items) in the main image, and props that might confuse the viewer about what product is for sale are not allowed.

Step 5: Review and Refine

After you’ve created your pictures, take a step back and review them with a critical eye.

Do they follow the pattern you established from your research? Do they tell a story about your product and brand? If not, it’s back to the drawing board.

By following this guide, you’re not just creating images; you’re crafting a visual narrative that sells your product in a compelling and engaging way.

Remember, every image should serve a purpose – to convert viewers into customers for your Amazon private label brand.



Creating high-converting pictures for your Amazon private label brand is a meticulous but rewarding process.

It demands time, creativity, and a deep understanding of your competition and your audience.

But with the steps outlined in this guide, you’re well on your way to creating images that not only stand out but also turn viewers into loyal customers.


Revamp Your Amazon Listings with Professional Photography by eBrandX!

Transform your product images into captivating visuals that drive conversions. Partner with eBrandX for expert Amazon photography services and elevate your brand’s online presence.

📷 High-Quality Imagery: Our seasoned photographers ensure your products shine with crystal-clear, professionally shot images.

🚀 Boost Conversions: Engage customers and increase sales with visually appealing product photos.

💡 Expert Insights: Leverage our expertise to showcase your products in the best light and outshine the competition.

Get started today and take your Amazon listings to the next level with eBrandX!

Visit our website at eBrandX.com to explore our full range of photography services and elevate your Amazon business.”

Read More About Product Photography For Amazon. 

You can contact us anytime


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why are visuals so important in online selling?

    Visuals are the customer’s first point of contact with your product. They help to create a positive first impression and can significantly influence a customer’s buying decision.

  2. How many images should my Amazon listing have?

    Amazon allows up to 9 images for a product listing. Make sure to utilize all of them effectively to provide a comprehensive view of your product.

  3. What is the significance of using a white background for the main picture?

    A white background helps your product stand out, minimizes distractions, and complies with Amazon’s main picture guidelines.


If you found this guide helpful, we recommend checking out our other comprehensive resources.

We have a Complete Online Arbitrage Guide for Beginners, perfect for those wanting to explore more Arbitrage strategies.

Also, our Complete Guide for Beginners on How to Start an Amazon Private Label is a great read for those considering the private label route.

Finally, if you need more insights on the Amazon wholesale business, read and bookmark our Complete Guide for Beginners on How to Start an Amazon Wholesale Business offers deeper dives into the topic.

Happy reading and best of luck with your e-commerce journey!

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