Amazon FBA vs. Amazon Dropshipping: Which Business Model is Right for You?

amazon fba vs dropshipping


When it comes to starting an online business, Amazon has proven to be a lucrative platform for entrepreneurs. With millions of customers worldwide, it offers a vast market for sellers to reach their target audience.

Two popular business models on Amazon are Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and dropshipping. In this article, we will explore the differences, benefits, and drawbacks of Amazon FBA and Amazon dropshipping, helping you make an informed decision about which model suits your needs best.

1. Understanding Amazon FBA

1.1 What is Amazon FBA?

Amazon FBA, or Fulfillment by Amazon, is a program that allows sellers to store their products in Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

Once a customer places an order, Amazon takes care of the storage, packaging, and shipping processes on behalf of the seller.

This model provides sellers with the advantage of utilizing Amazon’s extensive logistics infrastructure and customer service.

1.2 How Does Amazon FBA Work?

When utilizing Amazon FBA, sellers send their inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment centers. The products are then stored in Amazon’s warehouses until a customer places an order.

Amazon takes care of the picking, packing, and shipping of the products. Additionally, FBA sellers benefit from Amazon Prime’s fast and reliable shipping, which can enhance customer satisfaction and increase sales potential.

1.3 Pros of Amazon FBA

  • Efficient Fulfillment: With Amazon FBA, sellers can leverage Amazon’s advanced fulfillment infrastructure, ensuring prompt and reliable delivery of orders.
  • Prime Eligibility: FBA sellers automatically qualify for Amazon Prime, allowing their products to be eligible for Prime’s free and fast shipping benefits.
  • Customer Service: Amazon handles customer inquiries, returns, and refunds, relieving sellers of these responsibilities.
  • Global Reach: FBA enables sellers to reach customers across various countries, thanks to Amazon’s extensive international marketplace.

1.4 Cons of Amazon FBA

  • Costs: Utilizing Amazon FBA involves fees for storage, order fulfillment, and other services, which can impact profit margins, especially for low-priced items.
  • Inventory Management: Sellers need to ensure they have enough inventory available in Amazon’s warehouses to avoid stockouts and maintain a healthy sales flow.
  • Restricted Control: FBA sellers have limited control over packaging and shipping processes, as Amazon handles these aspects.
  • Competition: FBA is a popular choice among sellers, leading to increased competition within the platform.

2. Exploring Amazon Dropshipping

2.1 What is Amazon Dropshipping?

Amazon dropshipping is a business model where sellers list products on Amazon without physically storing inventory. Instead, sellers partner with suppliers or manufacturers who directly ship the products to customers once an order is received.

Dropshipping eliminates the need for inventory management and fulfillment, making it an attractive option for those looking for a low-cost and flexible business model.

2.2 How Does Amazon Dropshipping Work?

In the dropshipping model, sellers list products on their Amazon store without actually owning the inventory. When a customer purchases a product, the seller places an order with the supplier, providing the customer’s shipping details.

The supplier then ships the product directly to the customer. The seller earns the difference between the supplier’s price and the price at which they listed the product on Amazon.

2.3 Pros of Amazon Dropshipping

  • Low Startup Costs: Dropshipping requires minimal upfront investment, as there is no need to purchase inventory in advance.
  • Flexibility: Sellers have the freedom to choose from a wide range of products and can easily add or remove items from their listings.
  • Scalability: Dropshipping allows sellers to scale their business quickly, as they don’t need to worry about inventory management and fulfillment logistics.
  • Location Independence: As dropshipping can be managed remotely, sellers have the flexibility to operate their business from anywhere with an internet connection.

2.4 Cons of Amazon Dropshipping

  • Shipping Challenges: Dropshipping relies on suppliers for shipping, which can result in longer delivery times and potential issues with order tracking and customer satisfaction.
  • Product Quality Control: As sellers don’t physically handle the products, ensuring product quality and resolving customer complaints can be more challenging.
  • Profit Margins: Dropshipping typically involves lower profit margins compared to other business models, as sellers need to factor in the supplier’s cost and other expenses.
  • Increased Competition: Dropshipping has a lower barrier to entry, leading to increased competition among sellers, especially for popular product niches.


Both Amazon FBA and Amazon dropshipping offer unique advantages and considerations for aspiring online sellers. Amazon FBA provides a streamlined fulfillment process and access to Amazon’s vast customer base, but comes with associated costs and limited control.

On the other hand, dropshipping offers low startup costs, flexibility, and scalability, but presents challenges with shipping, quality control, and profit margins.

Ultimately, the choice between Amazon FBA and Amazon dropshipping depends on your specific goals, budget, and preferences as an entrepreneur. Carefully consider the pros and cons of each model and assess how they align with your long-term business objectives.

Regardless of the path you choose, success on Amazon requires dedication, research, and continuous adaptation to stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.

Read Amazon policies about dropshipping before you start. Amazon is increasingly banning dropshipping accounts and this approach may not be a sustainable way to earn on Amazon.


Q1: Is it possible to switch from Amazon FBA to dropshipping or vice versa?

Yes, it is possible to switch between Amazon FBA and dropshipping. Sellers can evaluate their business needs and make the transition accordingly. However, it’s essential to thoroughly research and plan the transition process to minimize disruptions to your sales and customer experience.

Q2: Are there any alternatives to Amazon FBA and dropshipping?

Yes, there are alternative business models for selling on Amazon. Some examples include merchant-fulfilled selling (where sellers handle their own fulfillment), wholesale selling (purchasing products in bulk from manufacturers or distributors), and private label selling (creating your own brand and sourcing products directly).

Q3: Can I combine Amazon FBA and dropshipping in my business?

Yes, it is possible to combine both models in your business strategy. Some sellers utilize Amazon FBA for certain products while dropshipping others. This approach allows for a diversified product range and can help optimize costs and fulfillment efficiency.

Remember, the success of your Amazon business depends on factors such as product selection, market research, marketing efforts, and customer service. Continuously evaluate and refine your strategies to stay competitive and meet the ever-changing demands of the online marketplace. Remeber to follow the guidlines of Amazon about it.

If you are interested in Amazon Private Label, Wholesale or Arbitrage.
Read our detailed blog post on it


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